_JS.ChainedSelect🔗 Implements a hierarchical select across multiple levels

Constructor: [options [[selected] [[disabled] [prompt]]]]

options – 3 column matrix of displayed[;1] and returned[;2] values and their level/depth [;3]

selected – Boolean or integer array indicating pre-selected option (consciously NOT supporting multiple selects)

disabled – Boolean or integer array indicating disabled options(s)

prompt – first item to display (has no value) (default '[Select]')

Public Fields:

Options – 3 column matrix of displayed[;1] and returned[;2] values and their level/depth [;3]

Selected – Boolean or integer array indicating pre-selected options

Disabled – Boolean or integer array indicating disabled options(s)

Prompt – first item to display (has no value) (default '[Select]')

Relevant Sample Pages:

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