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ChainedSelect enables you to present “linked” selections where the choice in the first control will determine the available options of the following control. This advanced example shows how the hierarchy of tree of options does not need to have the same depth everywhere. Also in this example we are using vertical layout with labels for every (well, most…) level.
Please pick your preferred method of transport
:Class ChainedSelectAdvanced : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _JS.ChainedSelect
⍝ Description:: Pick method of transportation from multiple Select-Controls (for different levels of the hierarchy)
⍝ multiple levels indeed!
transport←1 3⍴'Plane' '' 1
transport⍪←'Boeing' '' 2 ⍝ NB: intermediate levels do not need to have an ID!
transport⍪←'737' '3' 3
transport⍪←'-700' '737700' 4
transport⍪←'-800' '737800' 4
transport⍪←'-900ER' '737900' 4
transport⍪←'767' '767' 3
transport⍪←'-200ER' '767200ER' 4
transport⍪←'-200LR' '767200LR' 4
transport⍪←'-300ER' '767300 ' 4
transport⍪←'Airbus' '' 2
transport⍪←'A320' '320' 3
transport⍪←'A330' '330' 3
transport⍪←'A340' '340' 3
transport⍪←'Motorcycle' '' 1
transport⍪←'Ducati' '6' 2
transport⍪←'Diavel' '61' 3
transport⍪←'Diavel Carbon' '61c' 4
transport⍪←'XDiavel' '62' 4
transport⍪←'XDiavel S' '62s' 4
transport⍪←'Monster' '64' 3
transport⍪←'812 Dark' '65d' 4
transport⍪←'812' '65' 4
transport⍪←'812 Stripe' '65s' 4
transport⍪←'1200' '1200' 4
transport⍪←'1200 S' '1200s' 4
transport⍪←'1200 R' '1200r' 4
transport⍪←'1200 Djair' '1200d' 4
transport⍪←'1200 Pikes Peak' '1200pp' 4
transport⍪←'Superbike' '66' 3
transport⍪←'959 Panigale' '959' 4
transport⍪←'1299 Panigale' '1299' 4
transport⍪←'1299 Panigale S' '1299s' 4
transport⍪←'Panigale R' 'paniR' 4
transport⍪←'Honda' 'hnd' 2
transport⍪←'Kawasaki' 'kawa' 2
transport⍪←'Car' '' 1
transport⍪←'Audi' 'Audi' 2
transport⍪←'A2' 'A2' 3
transport⍪←'A4' 'A4' 3
transport⍪←'A5' 'A5' 3
transport⍪←'Bugatti' 'Bug' 2
transport⍪←'Veyron 16.4' 'Vey' 3
transport⍪←'Chiron' 'Chi' 3
transport⍪←'Spaceship' '' 1
transport⍪←'earthly' '' 2
transport⍪←'Enterprise' 'enterpr' 3
transport⍪←'Enterprise II' 'enterpr2' 3
transport⍪←'Draconian Empire (Buck Rogers)' '' 2
transport⍪←'Draconian Marauder' 'dm' 3
transport⍪←'Ori' 'ori' 2
transport⍪←'Ori Figther' 'of' 3
transport⍪←'Goa''uld' '' 2
transport⍪←'Death glider' 'dg' 3
transport⍪←'Needle threader' 'nt' 3
transport⍪←'Galactic Republic' 'gr' 2
transport⍪←'ARC-170' 'arc170' 3
transport⍪←'V-19 Torrent' 'v19' 3
transport⍪←'Jedi starfighter' 'jsf' 3
transport⍪←'Jedi interceptor' 'jin' 3
transport⍪←'Human force' '' 1
transport⍪←'Crawling' 'crwl' 2
transport⍪←'Walking' 'walk' 2
transport⍪←'Running' 'run' 2
transport⍪←'Jumping' '' 2
transport⍪←'on one leg' 'jump1' 3
transport⍪←'on two legs' 'jump2' 3
transport⍪←'Swimming' '' 2
transport⍪←'Dolphin' 'dolphin' 3
transport⍪←'Crawl' 'crawl' 3
transport⍪←'Butterfly' 'bf' 3
transport⍪←'Rickshaw' 'rs' 2
transport⍪←'Animal force' '' 1
transport⍪←'Horse' '' 2
transport⍪←'Hot Blood' '' 3
transport⍪←'Arabian' 'arab' 4
transport⍪←'Warm Blood' '' 3
transport⍪←'Hanoverian' 'hanov' 4
transport⍪←'Holsteiner' 'holst' 4
transport⍪←'Cold Blood' '' 3
transport⍪←'Shire' 'Shire' 4
transport⍪←'Clydesdale' 'cdale' 4
∇ Compose;frm;single;multi;btn
:Access public
Add _.div MarkdownFollows
⍝## ChainedSelectAdvanced
⍝ChainedSelect enables you to present "linked" selections where the choice in the first control will determine the available
⍝options of the following control. This advanced example shows how the hierarchy of tree of options does not need to have
⍝the same depth everywhere. Also in this example we are using vertical layout with labels for every (well, most...) level.
Add _.p'Please pick your preferred method of transport'
frm←'myform'Add _.Form
cs←'selT'frm.Add _.ChainedSelect transport
cs.Labels←'Category' 'Brand' 'more...'
btn←'btnPressMe'frm.Add _.Button'Pick'
btn.On'click' 'onPick'
'output'Add _.div
∇ r←onPick;selected
⍝ Called when the Pick button is pressed
:Access Public
⍝ When selecting a single item the result will be a string
r←'#output'Replace _.p('You picked: ',selected,(0=⍴selected)/'nothing')