_DC.RadioButtonGroup🔗 Dyalog Radio Button Group widget

Constructor: [{Values | ;Labels Values} [SelectedIndex [LabelPos [Horizontal]]]]

Values – a vector of values for the radio buttons (Labels will be set to the same as Values)

;Labels Values – a matrix of [;1] labels [;2] values

SelectedIndex – index of a pre-selected choice (⍬ is the default)

LabelPos – label position relative to the radio button ('left' is the default)

Horizontal – 0 if the labels/buttons are to be arranged in a vertical grid, 1 if horizontal

Public Fields:

Values – a vector of values for the radio buttons (Labels will be set to the same as Values)

Labels – a matrix of [;1] labels [;2] values

SelectedIndex – index of a pre-selected choice (⍬ is the default)

LabelPos – label position relative to the radio button ('left' is the default)

Horizontal – 0 if the labels/buttons are to be arranged in a vertical grid, 1 if horizontal


The underlying input elements all share the same name, and have ids of name,'_1', name,'_2', etc

The containing table has an id of name,'_container'

input cells are assigned a class of (id,'_input')

Relevant Sample Pages:

Controls used on this page: Dyalog: Tabs Base HTML: style