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:Class RadioButtonGroupSimple : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _DC.RadioButtonGroup
⍝ Description:: Create an entire group of radio buttons at once
∇ Compose;button;frm
:Access public
frm←Add _.Form
frm.Add _.p'RadioButtonGroup provides an easy way to let the user select between mutually exclusive options.'
frm.Add _.p'Select one of the options to trigger feedback:'
button←'Transport'frm.Add _.RadioButtonGroup('Train' 'Plane' 'Automobile' 'Riverboat' 'Submarine')
button.On'change' 'CallbackFn'
'output'frm.Add _.div ⍝ a div to contain output, updated by CallbackFn
∇ r←CallbackFn
:Access Public
r←'#output'Replace _.p'You selected: ',Get'Transport'