Anyone who can write an APL function should be able to host it on the web.™
Rendered webpage |
APL code |
:Class fieldsetSimple: MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _html.fieldset _html.legend
⍝ Description:: Group form controls
∇ Compose
:Access public
⍝ The main form
frm←Add _.Form
⍝ Makes a box
fs←frm.Add _.fieldset
⍝ Puts a label on the top edge of the box
fs.Add _.legend'Customer information entry'
⍝ Automated adding of lists of elements with labels
Types←'text' 'number' ⋄ Labels←'Reference: ' 'Amount: '
:For i :In ⍳⍴Types
((fs.Add _.label,i⊃Labels).Add _.input).type←i⊃Types
⍝ Submit button
fs.Add _.SubmitButton'Next customer'