Not all browsers support this!
The below characters will look like ℵℶℷℸ in editors which do not support bi-directional text, but like ℸℷℶℵ in browsers and some editors.
The first four letters of the Hebrew alphabet are אבגד
bdi can also be used to reverse text:
Reverse text: this text has been reversed
See here for more info
:Class bdiSimple: MiPageSample
∇ Compose;p
:Access Public
Add WrapFollowing'p'
p←Add _.p'The first four letters of the Hebrew alphabet are '
'.serif'p.Add _.bdi'אבגד'
Add _.p'bdi can also be used to reverse text:'
p←Add _.p'Reverse text: '
'#flip' '.serif'p.Add _.bdi'this text has been reversed'
Add'#flip {direction: rtl; unicode-bidi: bidi-override;} .serif {font-family: serif; font-size: 2em;}'
Add _.p(New _.A'See here for more info' '')