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:Class PositionExample : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _html.div
⍝ Description:: Use jQuery UI Position to place one element relative to another
∇ Compose
:Access Public
Add ScriptFollows
⍝ #target {
⍝ position: absolute;
⍝ margin: 10vh;
⍝ height: 75%;
⍝ width: 75%;
⍝ border: 3px solid Black;
⍝ padding-left: 30vh;
⍝ line-height: 10em;
⍝ }
⍝ .positioned {
⍝ height: 20vh;
⍝ width: 20vh;
⍝ background: rgba(255,140,0,0.75);
⍝ box-shadow: 0 0 5vh 5vh darkorange inset;
⍝ padding: 1vh;
⍝ position: absolute;
⍝ }
Add _.h2 'Position Examples - examine the APL code!'
'#target'Add _.div'target'
('.positioned'Add _.div'my center at target''s center')Position'center' 'center' '#target'
('.positioned'Add _.div'my left top-10 at target''s top')Position'left top-10' 'top' '#target'
('.positioned'Add _.div'my center at target''s left top')Position'center' 'left top' '#target'
('.positioned'Add _.div'my left bottom at target''s left bottom')Position'left bottom' 'left bottom' '#target'
('.positioned'Add _.div'my center at target''s center+25% center+25%')Position'center' 'center+25% center+25%' '#target'
('.positioned'Add _.div'my right at target''s right+2.5%')Position'right' 'right+2.5%' '#target'