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Create cutting-edge HTML5 web applications with ease
:Class ejWaitingPopupAdvanced : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _SF.ejWaitingPopup
⍝ Description:: Insert styled toggleable pop-up with arbitrary web content
∇ Compose;wp;mydiv;p
:Access public
Add ScriptFollows
⍝ #mydiv {
⍝ width: 220px;
⍝ margin-top: 10em;
⍝ color: white;
⍝ background-color: black;
⍝ padding: 5px;
⍝ border-radius: 10px;
⍝ cursor: progress;
⍝ box-shadow: 0 10px 30px 0 black;
⍝ }
⍝ #title {
⍝ margin-top: 0;
⍝ padding: 5px;
⍝ background-color: darkorange;
⍝ border-radius: 5px;
⍝ font-size; larger;
⍝ font-weight: bold;
⍝ }
mydiv←'mydiv'Add _.div
'title'mydiv.Add _.p'PLEASE WAIT'
'src="../Data/spin.gif"'mydiv.Add _.img
p←mydiv.Add _.p
p.Add'Create cutting-edge '
p.Add _.b'HTML5'
p.Add' web applications with ease'
wp←Add _.ejWaitingPopup
'template'wp.Set'#mydiv' ⍝ we want the div we just created to be the contents
'showOnInit'wp.Set _true ⍝ by default, the pop-up is hidden