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:Class ejTextBoxSimple : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _SF.ejTextBox
⍝ Description:: Validate numbers, currency and percentages
∇ Compose;tb1;p;c;n;frm;tb;values
:Access Public
frm←Add _.Form
(n c p)←'num' 'cur' 'pct'{⍺ frm.Add _.ejTextBox ⍵}¨'Numeric' 'Currency'('Percentage' 99.9)
'watermarkText' 'width'n.Set'Enter a 3-digit Number' 200
'minValue' 'maxValue'n.Set 100 999
'validationRules' 'validationMessage'c.Set⊂¨'{required:true}' '{required:"The currency value is required."}'
'decimalPlaces' 'enableStrictMode' 'showSpinButton'p.Set 1 _true _false
frm.Add _.SubmitButton'OK'
:If isPost
values←⍬∘Get¨'num' 'cur' 'pct'
Add _.Table('num' 'cur' 'pct',⍪values)