Anyone who can write an APL function should be able to host it on the web.™
Rendered webpage |
APL code |
Click to display the HTML code which would generate whatever is in the editor above.
:Class ejRTESimple : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _SF.ejRTE
⍝ Description:: Open Rich-Text Editor and retrieve document
∇ Compose;p
:Access public
Add'#output {background: Gainsboro;} #display {font-size: 1em;}'
'#mytext'(Add _.Form).Add _.ejRTE'<h3><b>Note:</b> <i>Edit this text</i><h3>'
p←Add _.p'Click '
('#display'p.Add _.Button'here').On'click' 'Display'('doc' 'val' '#mytext')
p.Add' to display the HTML code which would generate whatever is in the editor above.'
'#output'Add _.code
∇ r←Display
:Access public
r←'#output'Replace #.HtmlUtils.HtmlSafeText Get'doc'