Unfortunately these are poorly documented by Syncfusion.
Syncfusion's API documentation as of 4 August 2016 is incomplete and inaccurate.
We recommend that if you need drag/drop functionality, that you look at jqDraggable/jqDroppable.
:Class ejDroppableSimple : MiPageSample
∇ Compose;sp;sp2;colors
:Access Public
Add _.Markdown ScriptFollows
Add _.Style'.demo'(('width' '100px')('height' '100px')('margin-right' '40px')('text-align' 'center')('color' 'white'))
Add _.Style'#drag'('background-color' 'blue')
Add _.Style'#outer td'('height' '125px')
{Add _.Style('.',⍵)('background-color'⍵)}¨colors←'purple' 'green' 'red' ⍝
sp←'outer'Add _.StackPanel
'#drag' '.demo'sp.Add _.div'Drag Me'
(sp2←sp.Add _.StackPanel).Horizontal←1
colors{sp2.Add(('#',⍺)('.drop demo ',⍺))New _.div ⍵}¨'Drop Here' 'Or Here' 'Or Here'
(Add _.ejDraggable'#drag').On 'dragStop' 0 '' '$("#output").html("")'
(Add _.ejDroppable'.drop').On'drop' 'myCallback'('_what' 'event' 'dropTarget.attr("id")')
'#output'Add _.div
∇ r←myCallback
:Access public
r←'#output'Replace'You dropped on ',_what