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:Class ejDatePickerAdvanced : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _SF.ejDatePicker
⍝ Description:: Insert mutually interdependant calendars
⍝ Show 2 calendars to select reservation dates.
⍝ The first date cannot be before today and the second cannot be the
⍝ date before tomorrow. Its default is 1 week after check in.
∇ Compose;today;fromidn;minto;tbl;tr;td;head;todate;from
:Access Public
fromidn←dateToIDN today
Add _.h1'Drop ↓ Inn'
Add _.h2'Hotel reservation system'
⍝ The table header
tbl←Add _.table
head←tbl.Add _.thead
(head.Add{Add ⍵}¨'Check in' 'Check out'
⍝ The in date
from←'in'td.Add _.ejDatePicker today'yyyy/MM/dd'
from.Set'minDate'(newDate today)
from.On'change' 'setNewDate',⊂('in' 'model' 'value')('out' 'eval' '$("#out").ejDatePicker("model.value")')
⍝ The out date
todate←IDNToDate fromidn+7
TO←'out'td.Add _.ejDatePicker todate'yyyy/MM/dd'
minto←newDate IDNToDate fromidn+1
newDate←{⊂'new Date("',(⍕⍵),'")'}
dateToIDN←{2 ⎕NQ'.' 'datetoidn'⍵}
IDNToDate←{3↑ 2 ⎕NQ'.' 'idntodate'⍵}
∇ r←setNewDate;in;out
:Access public
⍝ Reset minimum reservation check out date
in←dateToIDN stringToDate⍕Get'in'
r←'minDate'TO.Update newDate IDNToDate in+1
out←dateToIDN stringToDate⍕Get'out'
⍝ If the new IN date is not before the OUT date we reset OUT to 1 week after
:If in≥out
r,←'value'TO.Update newDate IDNToDate in+7
MONTHS←↓12 3⍴'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec'
FI←{(b v)←⎕vfi ⍵ ⋄ b/v}
∇ ymd←stringToDate str;pos;mon;t
⍝ str is of the genre "Wed Aug 05 2015 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)"
⍝ We need to weed out the day of the week and the time
str←(+/∧\' '=str)↓str ⍝ remove the leading spaces
:If 0∊⍴t←MONTHS ⎕S 0 3⊢str ⍝ look for the month as a string. If not found
ymd←3↑FI str ⍝ grab the 1st 3 numbers found
ymd←ymd[⍒(2×31<ymd)+ymd<12] ⍝ put in correct order
:Else ⍝ otherwise (if found)
(pos mon)←0 1+1⊃t
:If ~0∊⍴t←FI pos↑str ⍝ any number before the month? (e.g. 2 May 2021)
ymd←⌽⍣(31<⍬⍴t)⊢(1↑FI pos↓str),mon,t
ymd←¯1⌽mon,2↑FI pos↓str