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jsSHA is a JavaScript library that implements several SHA-based hashing algorithms
For more information see
:Class jsSHASimple : MiPageSample
⍝ Resource:: jsSHA
⍝ Description:: JavaScript library that implements SHA-based hashing algorithms
∇ Compose;ig
:Access public
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⍝### jsSHA - JavaScript Hashing Library
⍝ jsSHA is a JavaScript library that implements several SHA-based hashing algorithms\
⍝ For more information see [](
ig←('style="max-width:800px"'Add _.Fieldset'Hashing Example').Add _.InputGrid
ig.Labels←'Input Text' 'Hashing Algorithm' 'Output Hash (hex)',¨⊂': '
ig.Inputs←'inText' 'hashAlg' 'outHash'New¨_.EditField(_.Select('SHA-1' 'SHA-224' 'SHA-256' 'SHA-384' 'SHA-512')1 ⍬'')_.textarea
ig.Inputs[1].Set'size=85 class=input'
ig.Inputs[3].Set'readonly=readonly cols=85'
Add _.Handler '.input' 'change' 0 '' '' 'calcHash()'
Add _.Script ScriptFollows
⍝ function calcHash(){
⍝ var hashInp = $("#inText").val();
⍝ var hashType = $("#hashAlg").val();
⍝ var hashObj = new jsSHA(hashType,"TEXT");
⍝ hashObj.update(hashInp);
⍝ $("#outHash").val(hashObj.getHash("HEX"));
⍝ }