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APL code |
:Class jBoxAdvancedConfOnLoad : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _JS.jBox
⍝ Description:: Confirmation Dialog on PageLoad
∇ Compose;dd
:Access public
Add _.h2'jBox Widget - Advanced sample: Confirmation on PageLoad'
Add ScriptFollows
⍝ This page illustrates how to setup a jBox as an MiServer-Widget and then
⍝ inject the code so that it gets executed when the page is loaded.
jb←New _.jBox'Confirm' ⍝ set it up as an independent object
jb.ScriptOptions←0 0 0
⍝ Text of the dialog
'title'jb.Set'Your choice, please!'
'content'jb.Set'Do you like this sample?'
⍝ Set the button texts
⍝ assign event-handlers to the two buttons
⍝ create APL-Listeners for the JS-Events and have them call APL-Code
On'event_yes' 'OnYes'
On'event_no' 'OnNo'
OnLoad←jb.Render ⍝ inject code into PageLoad-event
'#output'Add _.span
∇ R←OnYes
:Access public
R←'#output'Replace'Thank you. It''s nice to see this software being used by competent users!'
∇ R←OnNo
:Access public
R←'#output'Replace'Please email and tell us what we could have done better!'