jBox Widget - Advanced sample: Confirmations triggered from APL
Study the code to see APL and JS interact: user enters a number which triggers
APLJax. It then evaluates the input and asks a prompt (JS using jBox)
and user's response is fed back to APL which executes different functions
depending on user's choice.
Note that the jBox-Dialog is prepared (created) by APL-Statements and then
opened when it is needed using the open-Command in JS.
Admittedly this is poor functionality, but the sample is supposed to illustrate the pricinples
of working with callbacks in JS and APL to achive best user-experience.
Please enter a number
:ClassjBoxAdvancedConfFromAPL : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _JS.jBox
⍝ Description:: jBox-confirmations triggered from APL-Callback (tight integration of APL and JS-Callbacks)
∇ Compose;dd;inp:Access public
Add_.style'.demo {border:2px dotted darkorange}'Add_.h2'jBox Widget - Advanced sample: Confirmations triggered from APL'
⍝ NB: this code will create an object with the dialog already!
⍝ We assign the jBox-Object to var "objConfirm" and will
⍝ later refer to it in the APLJax-Function. dd←Add_.jBox'Confirm' ⍝ initialised w/o a prompt! dd.Var←'objConfirm' ⍝ assign to variable "objConfirm"
⍝ the selection of cancel or confirm in the dialog will
⍝ trigger different JS-Events: 'cancel'dd.Set⊂'function(){$(document).trigger("MyCancel");}''confirm'dd.Set⊂'function(){$(document).trigger("MyConfirm");}''confirmButton'dd.Set'Confirm''cancelButton'dd.Set'Nah, don''t touch!'
⍝ We're asking APL to respond to these events by executing
⍝ different callback-functions: On'MyCancel''Callback_MyCancel'On'MyConfirm''Callback_MyConfirm'('myNum''val''#myNum')
⍝ this callbacks gets additional input that can be retrieved using "Get" Add_.divScriptFollows
⍝ <p>Study the code to see APL and JS interact: user enters a number which triggers
⍝ APLJax. It then evaluates the input and asks a prompt (JS using jBox)
⍝ and user's response is fed back to APL which executes different functions
⍝ depending on user's choice.
⍝ Note that the jBox-Dialog is prepared (created) by APL-Statements and then
⍝ opened when it is needed using the open-Command in JS.</p>
⍝ <p>Admittedly this is poor functionality, but the sample is supposed to illustrate the pricinples
⍝ of working with callbacks in JS and APL to achive best user-experience.</p> Add('Please enter a number'(inp←'#myNum'New_.input'''type=number'))inp.On'change'1('myNum''val''#myNum')⍝ execute fn APLJax (see below!) '#output'(Add_.p).Add_.span
∇ R←APLJax;num;txt:Access public
num←Get'myNum'txt←'Should we multiply your input (the number ',(⍕num),') with a factor of 2?'txt,←'<br/><b>Hint:</b> expect a result somewhere between ',{⍵[1],' and ',⍵[2]}(⍕¨num×1.88776 2.23748)R←Execute'objConfirm.setContent("',txt,'");' ⍝ change text of jBox-Prompt R,←Execute'objConfirm.open();' ⍝ open dialog
∇ R←Callback_MyConfirm;myNum:Access public
myNum←Get'myNum'R←'#output'Replace('Thank you for confirming! The result of multiplying ',(⍕myNum),' by 2 is ',(⍕2×myNum),'.')R,←Execute'$("#output").css("background-color","#7d0");'
∇ R←Callback_MyCancel:Access public
R←'#output'Replace'You decided to cancel. We''re not multiplying your data!'R,←Execute'$("#output").css("background-color","#ddd");'