This sample uses data about US-Newspapers and their endorsements in the presedential elections. It was collected by Noah Veltman, he described the process on his homepage. Data available on GitHub.
This example is intentionally complex - just to illustrate the flexibility Datatables provides to customize and filter its output. Knowledge of JS will be beneficial to understand it.
- JSON-Datasource: in this example the data is provided as a JSON-Object. This has performance-advantages when rendering the table, as Datatables can fetch the required portion of data (according to pagination etc.) and then just render that small amount of data.
- yadcf-Filtering
- Notice the “Party”-Filter which uses data from a column that is not shown in the table. As the column is not visible, the filter needs to be rendered in a separate container.
- This filter also uses a custom filter-function that translates the internal values “
”, “R
” and “O
” to their legible equivalents.
- The “Endorsed”-Column uses a custom event-handler for the “CreatedCell”-event to assign a background-color based on the party.
- The “Source(s)”-column uses a custom Render-Function that checks if the data is a URL (in which case an HTML-Anchor is generated) or just a verbal reference/explanation which is then shown.
- try to search for a word like “Chronicle”. As you type, the list will be reduced to all matching records and - thanks to the “mark”-Option, the matching strings will be highlighted.
- minor usability-detail: the “Source(s)”-Column is excluded from searches
:Class DataTableAdvanced_yadcf2 : MiPageSample
:field private Datafile←'endorsements.csv'
:field private Democrats
:field private Republicans
:field private Others
∇ Compose;button;frm;dyalog;dPath;dat
:Access Public
Add _.div MarkdownFollows
:If 0=⎕NC'#.LoadTEXT'
dyalog←2 ⎕NQ'.' 'GetEnvironment' 'DYALOG'
'LoadTEXT' 'fileUtilities'#.⎕CY dyalog,'/ws/loaddata' ⍝
Add _.Style'#fltcnt' 'width:50%;' ⍝
'#fltcnt'Add _.div
dat←#.LoadTEXT(dPath,Datafile)',' ⍝
dat←1 0↓dat ⍝
dat←#.JSON.serializeAPL dat ⍝
dat←{w←⍵ ⋄((',['⍷w)/w)←⊂',',⎕ucs 13 ⋄ ∊⍵}dat
dt←'#sample'Add _.DataTable dat
dt.FocusFilter←1 ⍝
dt.Plugins←'yadcf' ⍝
dt.Options.mark←_true ⍝
dt.Options.columns[5 6 ].visible←⊂_false
dt.Options.columns[1 2 3 4 7].title←'Publication' 'Year' 'Endorsed' 'Source(s)' 'Party (Shortcode)'
dt.Options.columns[4 5 6].searchable←⊂_false
Add _.Script ScriptFollows
'yadcf.Filters[1].(column_number select_type filter_container_id filter_default_label text_data_delimiter)'dt.Set 6 'chosen' 'fltcnt' 'Select Party' ','
'yadcf.Filters[1].(filter_type custom_func select_type_options)'dt.Set'custom_func'(⊂'myCustomFilterFunction') (⊂'{width:"200px;"}')
'yadcf.Filters[1].data'dt.Set⊂#.JSON.fromAPL #.JSON.fromTable'value' 'label'⍪3 2⍴'O' 'Other' 'D' 'Democrats' 'R' 'Republican'
'yadcf.Filters[2].column_number'dt.Set 1
∇ make
:Access public
:Implements constructor
Democrats←{((1,1↓⍵=⎕UCS 13)⊂⍵)~¨⊂⎕UCS 13 10 32}ScriptFollows
Republicans←{((1,1↓⍵=⎕UCS 13)⊂⍵)~¨⊂⎕UCS 13 10 32}ScriptFollows
Others←{((1,1↓⍵=⎕UCS 13)⊂⍵)~¨⊂⎕UCS 13 10 32}ScriptFollows