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:Class jqSpinnerSimple : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _JQ.jqSpinner
⍝ Description:: Select and preselect values with spinners
∇ Compose
:Access Public
Add '#Update {display: block; margin:20px;}'
Add _.h2'Simple Spinner'
'#Simple' '.spin'Add _.jqSpinner
Add _.h2'Preset Spinner'
'#Preset' '.spin'Add _.jqSpinner 0 10 7
Add _.Handler'.spin' 'spinchange' 'myCallBack'('newval' 'val')
'#Update'Add _.Button'Report' ⍝ makes user leave control
'#output'Add _.div
∇ r←myCallBack
:Access Public
r←'#output'Replace _what,' Spinner changed to ',⍕Get'newval'