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Drag the pieces into their correct positions using as few moves as possible.
Moves: 0
:Class jqSortableAdvanced : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _JQ.jqSortable
⍝ Description:: Grid of reorderable boxes
∇ Compose;output;image
:Access Public
⎕RL←0 ⋄ MOVES←0
Add _.h3'Sequence Puzzle'
Add _.p'Drag the pieces into their correct positions using as few moves as possible.'
⍝ Updatable counter
output←'#output'Add _.p,⊂'Moves: ',⍕MOVES
⍝ Container for the composite image
image←'#image'Add _.div MakeImage
⍝ Stop floating stuff
'style="clear:both;"'Add _.div
⍝ Reshuffle button
('#shuffle'Add _.Button'Shuffle').On'click' 'Shuffle'
⍝ Float list items and do some styling
Add _.Style ScriptFollows
⍝ #sort {list-style-type: none; width: 530px; transition: box-shadow 0.5s,transform 0.5s;}
⍝ #sort li {float: left; width: 115px; height: 104px; margin: 2px;}
⍝ #sort li:hover {opacity: 0.8; }
⍝ #sort li:active {opacity: 0.8; box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.8);transform: rotateX(-30deg);transform: scale(1.1,1.1);}
∇ img←MakeImage;imgs
⍝ Random list of images Duck⎕.jpg where ⎕ is A-L
imgs←{_.img New⍨'id="Duck',⍵,'" src="../Data/Puzzle/Duck',⍵,'.jpg"'}¨⎕A[ORDER]
⍝ Callback when the usere picks up an image, send along
img←'#sort'New _.jqSortable imgs
img.On'start' 'Count'
img.On'stop' 'Check' ('order' 'method' '"toArray"')
∇ r←Count
:Access Public
r←'#output'Replace'Moves: ',⍕MOVES
∇ r←Check
:Access Public
:If (⍋ORDER)≡⍎(⍕Get'order')∩11↑⎕D
r←'#output'Replace'You succeeded in ',(⍕MOVES),' moves!'
∇ r←Shuffle
:Access Public
r←'#image'Replace MakeImage
r,←'#output'Replace'Moves: ',⍕MOVES←0