This paragraph is big and red because it has the class "redclass".
Click the button to remove that style.
The paragraph should shrink and loose the red upon clicking the button.
:ClassjqRemoveClassSimple: MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _JQ.jqRemoveClass _html.head
⍝ Description:: Remove a class during callback
∇ Compose:Access public
Use'JQueryUI' ⍝ because we will add a jQuery UI effect later Add_.Style'.redclass',⊂('background-color''red')('font-size''large')'#output''.redclass'Add_.pScriptFollows
⍝ This paragraph is big and red because it has the class "redclass".<br>
⍝ Click the button to remove that style.<br>
⍝ The paragraph should shrink and loose the red upon clicking the button. ('button'Add_.Button'Wash!').On'click''Wash'
∇ r←Wash:Access public
⍝ Scripts belong in the <head> element: r←'head'AppendNew_.jqRemoveClass,⊂'#output''redclass'800'easeOutElastic'