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This page illustrates advanced uses of the _DC.Ul widget.
:Class UlAdvanced : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _DC.Ul
⍝ Description:: Insert an unordered list of links based on an array of texts and links, and add callbacks on mouse movements
∇ Compose;text;ul;urls;intro;list
:Access Public
Add _.title'_DC.Ul - Advanced Example '
Add _.h2'_DC.Ul - Unordered List'
Add _.p'This page illustrates advanced uses of the _DC.Ul widget.'
list←⊂'The specification of attributes for anchor elements in the list.'
list,←⊂'Setting up mouse movement callbacks on the list elements.'
Add _.Ul(⊂list)
Add _.h3'Useful Links'
text←'Dyalog Home (opens in this tab)' 'Dyalog Forums (opens new tab)'
⍝ Below, the second link includes a target attribute for the <a> element
urls←''('' 'target=_blank')
ul←'links' Add _.Ul(text urls) ⍝ Construct Ul with texts and urls
('style="margin-top:24pt;height:12pt"'Add _.div).id←'output' ⍝ A place to write messages
⍝ Set up a handler which returns the html content of <a> elements within <li>
Add _.Handler'li a' 'mouseover mouseout' 'onMouse'('item' 'html')
∇ r←onMouse;li
⍝ Callback on mouseover and mouseout
:Access Public ⍝ Callback functions must be declared as public
⍝ Overwrite the output div with identification of the current mouse location
r←'#output'Replace _.p((_event≡'mouseover')/(_event,' : ',_PageData.item))