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:Class TimerSimple : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _DC.Timer
⍝ Description:: Signal timed events to the server
:field public _Sessioned←1 ⍝ this will keep globals in the class!
:field public COUNTER←0
:field public LIMIT←10
:field private ti←''
∇ Compose
:Access public
Add _.h4'Timer Sample - will append timestamp every half-second (10 times)'
ti←Add _.Timer 500
'output'Add _.div
On'tick' 'cb'
∇ r←cb
:Access public
r←'#output'Append'<br/>',(¯2↑⍕COUNTER),': Now the time is: ',⍕3↓⎕TS
r←Execute ti.Stop
r,←'#output'Append'<br/>Timer stopped'