_.Ol - Unordered List
This control puts a very thin cover on top of the basic HTML ol (ordered list) element, just adding a constructor that makes it easy to specify the item contents and optionally a list of URLs to be navigated to.
- Apples
- Bananas
- Grapes
- Oranges
Useful Links
- Dyalog Home
- Dyalog Forums
- Dyalog Blog
:Class OlSimple : MiPageSample
∇ Compose;frm;single;multi;btn
:Access public
intro←'This control puts a very thin cover on top of the basic HTML ol '
intro,←' (ordered list) element, just adding a '
intro,←'constructor that makes it easy to specify the item contents '
intro,←'and optionally a list of URLs to be navigated to.'
Add _.title'_.Ol - Simple Example '
Add _.h2'_.Ol - Unordered List'
Add _.p intro
Add _.h3'Fruits' ⍝
fruits←'Apples' 'Bananas' 'Grapes' 'Oranges'
'fruits' Add _.Ol fruits ⍝
Add _.h3'Useful Links'
text←'Dyalog Home' 'Dyalog Forums' 'Dyalog Blog'
urls←'http://'∘,¨'www.dyalog.com' 'forums.dyalog.com' 'www.dyalog.com/blog'
Add _.Ol(text urls) ⍝