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:Class InputGridSimple : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _DC.InputGrid
⍝ Description:: Enter first, last name and birthdate
∇ Compose ;ig;btn;handler;frm
:Access Public
Add _.h2 'Please tell us about yourself'
⍝ First we need a form for the button below to serialize the data to be sent
frm←Add _.form
⍝ The grid
ig←frm.Add _.InputGrid
⍝ There are a few fields we can use. Here we set the Border to none
⍝ The labels, by default they are aligned to the left of the input areas
⍝ ig.Flip←1 would put them to the right
ig.Labels← 'First name' 'Last name' 'Birthdate'
⍝ We give an ID to each so we can retrieve their values in the callback
ig.Inputs←'fname' 'lname' 'bdate' New¨ _.EditField _.EditField _.jqDatePicker
ig.Inputs[3].Set 'dateFormat' 'dd/mm/yy'
⍝ Finally we add a button to generate the display in the 'output' div below
btn←'ClickMe' 'style="margin-top,margin-bottom: 50px"' frm.Add _.Button 'Click Me!'
btn.On 'click' 'CallbackFn'
'output' frm.Add _.div ⍝ this is where the result will appear
∇ r←CallbackFn;text
:Access Public
⍝ First we instruct to display 'Hi' followed by the full name
⍝ and if the birthdate given happens to be today's we pop up a birthday message:
text←'Hi ',(Get 'fname'),' ',(Get 'lname'),'.'
:If ⎕TS[3 2]≡2↑2⊃'/-'⎕VFI Get'bdate'
text,←' Happy Birthday!'
r←'#output' Replace _.h2 text