The Dyalog Control Input enhances the base HTML input element in a number of ways.
The first argument specifies the type of input field. Here are some of the more unusual, but powerful input types; however different browsers vary in their support for these. E.g. Firefox and Internet Explorer do not provide the interactive date & time picker.
The second argument specifies the initial value for the input field.
The third and fourth arguments specify the label and label position for the input field.
:Class InputAdvanced : MiPageSample
∇ Compose;frm;tab
:Access Public
Add MarkdownFollows
labels←'Date & time (interactive picker)' 'E-mail (has validation)' 'URL (has validation)' 'File (dialogue pop-up)' 'Submit button (POST)'
frm←Add _.Form
tab←frm.Add _.Table(6 2⍴⊂'')(6 2⍴⊂'')1
tab.Data[1;]←'Description' 'Input'
:If _Request.isGet
tab.Data[2;2]←'inp1'New _.Input'datetime-local' '' 'Date of birth: '
tab.Data[3;2]←'inp2'New _.Input'email' '' 'E-mail address:'
tab.Data[4;2]←'inp3'New _.Input'url' '' 'Homepage: '
tab.Data[5;2]←'inp4'New _.Input'file' '' 'Photo: '
tab.Data[6;2]←'inp5'New _.Input'submit' 'Done'
tab.Data[1↓⍳6;2]←({⍵ New _.em,Get ⍵}¨'inp'∘,¨'1234'),'output'New _.strong'Input accepted'