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:Class FieldsetSimple : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _DC.Fieldset _html.label _DC.EditField
⍝ Description:: Enter first and last name in a FieldSet (reacts to each keystroke)
∇ Compose;fieldset;field;prompt;edit;frm;label
:Access Public
⍝ We need a form, so that data will be serialized on each callback
frm←Add _.form
fieldset←frm.Add _.Fieldset'Personalia:' ⍝ The fieldset will surround our input fields
:For (field prompt) :In ('fname' 'First Name:')('lname' 'Last Name:')
label←(⊂'for'field)fieldset.Add _.label prompt ⍝ Create label
edit←field fieldset.Add _.EditField ⍝ Create EditField
edit.On'keyup' 'CallbackFn'
⍝ NB: unlike keypress, the keyup event is called AFTER the field is updated
fieldset.Add ⍝ Next input on new line
'output'Add _.div ⍝ CallbackFn will update this
∇ r←CallbackFn;text
:Access Public
text←' +!'⎕R'!'⍕'Hi'(Get'fname lname'),'!'
r←'#output'Replace _.h2 text