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:Class CheckBoxAdvanced : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _DC.CheckBox
⍝ Description:: Variably tristate check-box
∇ Compose;cb2;cb1div
:Access Public
cb1div←'cb1div'Add _.div
'cb1'cb1div.Add _.CheckBox 'unchecked' 'This checkbox is 2-state' 'right'
cb2←'cb2'Add _.CheckBox 'unchecked' '← Select to make the first one tri-state!' 'right' 0
cb2.On'click' 'Switch'('cb1value' 'val' '#cb1')
∇ js←Switch;newcb
:Access public
⍝ We are not actually changing its tristate-ness, just replacing it with a new one
newcb←'cb1' New _.CheckBox (Get 'cb1value') 'This checkbox is 2-state' 'right'
:If 'checked'≡_value
newcb.(TriState Label)←1 'This checkbox is now 3-state'
js←'#cb1div'Replace newcb