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APL code |
:class Turtle: MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _html.svg _html.line _DC.Input
⍝ Description:: SVG turtle graphics
:Field Public Shared START←250 250
:Field public TURTLE←250 250
:Field public SVG←''
:field public _Sessioned←1
∇ Compose;form
:Access public
Add _.title'Turtle'
Add ScriptFollows
⍝ svg {width: 100%; height: calc(100vh - 5em - 75px);}
⍝ line {stroke-linecap: round;}
⍝ input, button {width: 50px; margin-right: 1em;}
⍝ #arrow {display: inline-block; margin-right: 1em; font-size: large; transition: 0.5s;}
⍝ #color {height: 20px; transition: 0.5s;}
⍝ form {height: 2.5em; border-bottom: 1px solid black;}
⍝ form * {vertical-align: middle;}
form←Add _.Form
{⍵ form.Add _.Button ⍵}¨'Add' 'Undo'
'#length' 'step="10"'form.Add _.Input'number' 50 'Length: ' 'left'
'#width' 'max="20"'form.Add _.Input'range' 10 'Width: ' 'left'
'#angle' 'step="15"'form.Add _.Input'number' 0 'Angle: ' 'left'
'#arrow'form.Add _.div'↑'
'#color'form.Add _.Input'color' '#000000',(RgbLabel'#000000')'left'
'#pic'Add _.div,SVG←New _.svg
'button' 'input'{Add _.Handler ⍺ ⍵'Handler'}¨'click' 'change'
∇ r←Handler;new;coords;attrs
:Access Public
:Select _what
:Case 'Add'
TURTLE,←(¯2↑START,TURTLE)+9 11○(Get'length')ׯ12○○180÷⍨¯90+Get'angle' ⍝ add new leg
coords←'x1' 'y1' 'x2' 'y2'{⍺,'=',⍕⍵}¨¯4↑START,TURTLE ⍝ line coordinates
attrs←∊'style=stroke:' ';stroke-width:',¨Get'color width' ⍝ line attributes
(coords,⊂attrs)SVG.Add _.line ⍝ server state
r←'#pic'Replace SVG ⍝ client display
:Case 'Undo'
TURTLE↓⍨←¯2 ⍝ remove last leg
SVG.Content↓⍨←¯1 ⍝ server state
r←Execute'$("svg>line").last().remove()' ⍝ client display
:Case 'length' ⋄ r←Execute'$("#color").css("width","',(⍕Get'length'),'px");'
:Case 'angle' ⋄ r←Execute'$("#arrow").css("transform","rotate(',(#.JSON.fromAPL Get'angle'),'deg)");'
:Case 'width' ⋄ r←Execute'$("#color").css("height","',(⍕10+Get'width'),'px");'
:Case 'color' ⋄ r←'[for=''color'']'Replace RgbLabel Get'color'
RgbLabel←{'Color: rgb(',') ',⍨1↓∊(',',3↓3⍕0.001×#.Utils.fromhex)¨⍵⊂⍨7⍴0 1}