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:Class Mortgage : MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _DC.EditField _DC.Form _DC.InputGrid
⍝ Description:: Simple mortgage calculation application
⍝ ↓ calculate payment based on principal, rate, and term
calcpmt←{0::'Error' ⋄ p r n←⍵÷1 1200 (÷12) ⋄ .01×⌈100×p×r÷1-(1+r)*-n}
⍝ ↓ calculate how much you can borrow based on rate, term, and payment
calcprin←{0::'Error' ⋄ r n m←⍵÷1200 (÷12) 1 ⋄ .01×⌈100×m÷r÷1-(1+r)*-n}
∇ Compose;f;inputs;labels;h ⍝ render the initial page
:Access Public
Add _.title'Mortgage'
(prin rate term)←100000 4.5 30
pmt←calcpmt prin rate term ⍝ First calculation
Add _.h2'Mortgage Calculator'
Add'Modify principal, rate or term to recalculate payment.'
Add¨,(⊂'Change payment to recalculate the principal'),2⍴
(frm←Add _.Form).id←'mtg'
(ig←frm.Add _.InputGrid).Border←0
ig.Labels←'Principal' 'Interest Rate' 'Term (years)' 'Payment'
ig.Inputs←{_.EditField,⊂⍵(⍎⍵)}¨'prin' 'rate' 'term' 'pmt'
h←Add _.Handler ⍝ add an event handler
h.Callback←'Calc' ⍝ specify the callback function to run
h.Events←'change' ⍝ listen for the "change" event
h.Selectors←'#mtg input' ⍝ on the input elements within the form with id "mtg"
∇ resp←Calc;p;r;n;m ⍝ callback function for the handler defined in Render
:Access public
(p r n m)←⍬ Get 'prin rate term pmt' ⍝ convert input fields to numbers
:Select _what ⍝ what field changed?
:CaseList 'prin' 'rate' 'term' ⍝ one of prin rate or term changed, calculate payment
:If ~0∊≢¨p r n ⍝ if we have values for all inputs...
⍝ ... calculate the payment and replace the value attribute in the input element
resp←Execute'#pmt'Val calcpmt p r n
:Case 'pmt' ⍝ payment changed, calculate principal
:If ~0∊≢¨r n m ⍝ if we have values for all inputs...
⍝ ... calculate the principal and replace the value attribute in the input element
resp←Execute'#prin'Val calcprin r n m