Anyone who can write an APL function should be able to host it on the web.™
Rendered webpage |
APL code |
:class Alphabet :MiPageSample
⍝ Control:: _JQ.jqDroppable _JQ.jqDraggable _JQ.jqAddClass _DC.Script _DC.StyleSheet
⍝ Description:: Use external code to style and touch-enable uppercase-lowercase alphabet pairing game
:Field Public COUNT←0
:Field Public START←0
:field Public _Sessioned←1
∇ Compose
:Access Public
⎕RL←⍬ ⋄ COUNT←0
Add _.title'ABC'
Add _.Script'' '../Data/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js' ⍝ External JavaScript to make jQuery UIsupport touch
Add _.StyleSheet'../Data/Alphabet.css' ⍝ External style sheet
'score'Add _.div,'output'New _.span'Drag the lowercase letters onto their corresponding uppercases'
Add _.div,{New _.div ⍵}¨¨{⍺[?⍨≢⍺]⍵}/↓⍉↑Pair¨⎕A
∇ (lc uc)←Pair L;l
(L l)←'#',¨L, L
(lc uc)←'.lc' '.uc'{⍵ ⍺ New _.div(_.span ⍵)}¨⊢/¨l L
(lc.Add _.jqDraggable l).Set'revert' 'invalid'
(uc.Add _.jqDroppable L l).On'drop' 'Accept'
∇ r←Accept;L
:Access Public
r←'head'Append _.jqAddClass(L'ok')
r,←Execute( L)Css'visibility' 'hidden'
:If 1=COUNT←1+COUNT ⋄ START←#.Dates.Now ⋄ :EndIf
r,←'#output'Replace{1≡⍵:'1 pairing done' ⋄ ⍵,' pairings done in',(2⍕86400×#.Dates.Now-START),' seconds'}COUNT