label – string of text to appear next to the textares
labelpos – [horizonal] and/or [vertical] position of label relative to the textarea horizontal can be 'left' (the default) or 'right' vertical can be 'top' (the default) or 'bottom' if both horizontal and vertical are specified, they need to be separated by a space
Label – string of text to appear next to the textares
LabelPos – [horizonal] and/or [vertical] position of label relative to the textarea horizontal can be 'left' (the default) or 'right' vertical can be 'top' (the default) or 'bottom' if both horizontal and vertical are specified, they need to be separated by a space
We set the rows and cols attributes to 4 and 60 respectively.
This can be overidden by setting the attributes to other settings (('rows' 10)('cols' 80)) Add _.Textarea 'this is the content' ta←Add _.Textarea 'this is the content' ⋄ 'rows' 'cols' ta.Set 10 80