titles – vector of char vectors containing titles to appear on sections
sections – vector of vectors containing HTML content for each section
titles_sections – 2-column matrix of titles [;1] and sections [;2] as above or vector of 2 element title/tab vectors
Titles – vector of char vectors containing titles to appear on sections
Sections – vector of vectors containing HTML content for each sectino
Theme – base color for the color theme (default '#808080')
Accordion 'Title1' 'Title2'
Accordion ('Title1' 'Title2')('Section1' 'Section2')
Accordion 2 2⍴'Title1' 'Section1' 'Title2' 'Section2'
This control is implemented in HTML+CSS without any JavaScript and is therefore extremely lightwight, resulting in faster load times. However, this comes at the cost of fewer features compared to competing controls. Use it if you just need a basic Accordion.–