_JQ.jqSortable🔗 jQueryUI Sortable widget/interaction

Constructor: [items|selector]

items – vector of items to make sortable

selector – the jQuery/CSS selector to which to apply sortable interaction

Public Fields:

Items – vector of items to make sortable

Selector – the jQuery/CSS selector to which to apply sortable interaction


Add _.jqSortable '#myul' ⍝ jqSortable will use the already existing element #myul

Add _.jqSortable ('One' 'Two' 'Three') ⍝ jqSortable will build a <ul> / <li> structure

Add _.jqSortable '' ⍝ jqSortable will insert an empty <ul> structure where items can be dropped

Relevant Sample Pages:

Controls used on this page: Dyalog: Tabs Base HTML: style