_JQ.jqHide🔗 jQueryUI Hide effect

Constructor: [selector [effect [options [duration [complete]]] | options]]

selector – the jQuery/CSS selector to hide

effect – a string indicating which effect to use for the transition

options – effect-specific properties and easing OR all animation settings

duration – number or string (default: 400) determining how long the animation will run

complete – a function to call once the animation is complete, called once per matched element

Public Fields:

Selector – the jQuery/CSS selector to hide

Effect – a string indicating which effect to use for the transition

Options – effect-specific properties and easing OR all animation settings

Duration – number or string (default: 400) determining how long the animation will run

Complete – a function (no default) to call once the animation is complete, called once per matched element

Relevant Sample Pages:

Controls used on this page: Dyalog: Tabs Base HTML: style